domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Cumbre de Presidentes de IEEE Zona Centro

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El Presidente de IEEE Zona Centro Subsection tiene el gusto de invitar a una reunión a los Presidentes de las Ramas Estudiantiles y de los Capítulos Estudiantiles de IEEE Zona Centro, para acordar la agenda de eventos del segundo semestre y la participación en el MES TIC de octubre del 2014. 

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Why the system goes down just when we are in the line of the bank?

We are proud to give you our warmest greetings this Saturday June 7th (since 8 AM) at Bogota's Planetarium to the lecture: Why the system goes down just when we are in the line of the bank?

Professor Trivedi will ask you this question: 
Why the system goes down just when we're in line at the bank?

Professor Trivedi will explain you:

Safety critical and other technical systems contain significant amount of software. Several recent studies have established that most system outages are due to software faults. 
Traditional methods of fault avoidance, fault removal based on extensive testing/debugging, and fault tolerance based on design/data diversity are found wanting. 
The key challenge then is how to provide highly dependable software. We discuss a new view of fault tolerance of software-based systems. 
We classify software faults into Bohrbugs and Mandelbugs, and identify aging-related bugs as a subtype of the latter. 
Traditional methods have been designed to deal with Bohrbugs. 
The next challenge then is to develop mitigation methods for Mandelbugs in general and aging-related bugs in particular. 
We submit that mitigation methods for Mandelbugs utilize environmental diversity. Restart application, failover to an identical replica (hot, warm or cold) and reboot the OS are examples of mitigation techniques that rely on environmental diversity. 
We discuss environmental diversity both from experimental and analytic points of view. 
We also discuss software aging related faults where it is possible to utilize proactive environmental diversity technique known as software rejuvenation.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2014

Conferencia sobre robots en el espacio dio inicio a Misión Cosmos IEEE

Robot Minero Lunar desarrollado por estudiantes de la Universidad de los Andes en Bogotá
(cortesía Robocol).
With "Robots in space exploration" lecture from astonomer Germán Puerta, in the Bogota's Planetarium was launched the IEEE Mission Cosmos.


Inscríbase en las mesas temáticas I+D+i y emprendimiento

Planetario de Bogotá

Planetario de Bogotá
Calle 26 # 5-93, Bogotá, Colombia